SUMMARY: A mongoloid girl with low-grade idiocy, the 10th of 12 children out of a very poor herds-mans' family in an isolate prealpine place of western Switzerland, was examined at the age of 28. Her mother is recovered on account of schizophrenia (catatonia tarda) as 4 of her (the probands) are feebleminded brothers.At 21 and 23 years of age the mongoloid proband gave birth to a mongoloid daughter and a mongoloid son; while the latter died of bronchopneumonia when 17 months old — the diagnosis of his mongolism having been ascertained by a pediatrician the first was seen by the author at age 7. The mongolism of mother and daughter is shown by several photographs and by palm and sole prints.The father of the 2 mongoloid children is most probably the probands' next old brother, a non mongoloid, but highly imbecille.