Critical behavior of the restricted primitive model revisited

  • 17 January 2002
Reassessment of the critical temperature and density of the restricted primitive mode of an ionic fluid by Monte Carlo simulations performed for system sizes with linear dimension up to $L/\sigma=34$ and sampling of $\sim 10^9$ trial moves leads to $T^*_c=0.04917 \pm 0.00002$ and $\rho_c^* =0.080 \pm 0.005$. Finite size scaling analysis based in the Bruce-Wilding procedure gives critical exponents in agreement with those of the 3d Ising universality class. An analysis similar to that proposed by Orkoulas {\em et al} [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 051507 (2001)], not relying on an {\em a priori} knowledge of the universality class, leads to the same conclusion.