In discussing this subject with the Section on Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Section on Urology it would profit us both if we followed the admonition of the prophet of old who said "Come let us reason together." For we think that there are some fundamental misconceptions by both groups about what we would like to designate our connecting link, the female urethra. We feel that we1and others (DeGraaf,2Virchow,3Johnson,4Caldwell,5Evatt,6Korinchevsky7) have proved that there exists a definite group of glands surrounding the posterior part of the female urethra, that this group of glands is identical in morphology, distribution, secretory activity and location with the male prostate and that in fact this group of glands should and will ultimately be spoken of as the female prostate gland just as we speak of the male mammary gland. In size the