The Curie points (TC) of amorphous Ag-X (X=Ni,Co,Gd) films prepared by getter sputtering on substrates held at 77°K, were determined without warming up the films above 77°K. As revealed by susceptibility and electrical measurements, the films remain unchanged up to 220°K; above this temperature one observes an irreversible decrease in resistivity accompanied by an irreversible increase in TC although the films are still amorphous at room temperature. The critical concentration for the appearance of ferromagnetism (41-at.% Ni) and the increase of of TC with Ni concentration (≃ 9°K/at.%) are quite close to the values reported for crystalline Ni-Cu alloys. These results suggest again the validity of the virtual-bound-state model over the rigid-band model and confirm that clustering is not a major factor in crystalline Cu-Ni alloys. An extrapolation of the present experiments to pure Ni leads to a TC of about 540°K for amorphous Ni. The validity of this extrapolation is supported by Ag-Co and Ag-Gd experiments.