The computed force constants and vibrational spectra of toluene

The complete harmonic force field and dipole moment derivatives have been computed for toluene at the Hartree-Fock level using a 4-21G basis set. The six scale factors optimized for benzene were used to scale the computed harmonic force constants of toluene. The vibrational frequencies of toluene computed from this scaled quantum mechanical force field are quite good. After a correction was made to two previously proposed spectral assignments, the mean deviation from the experimental frequencies is only 7.8 cm−1 except for the frequencies related to the methyl group. Five more scale factors for the vibrational modes of the methyl group were reoptimized. The final comparison showed an overall mean deviation of 7.5 cm−1 between the theoretical spectrum and the experimental spectrum. Computed intensities are qualitatively in agreement with experiments. They are highly useful in the investigation of questionable assignments.

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