3-O-Methyl glucose uptake stimulation by auxin and by fusicoccin in plant materials and its relationships with proton extrusion

Auxin and fusicoccin (FC) stimulate the active uptake of 3-O-methyl glucose (3-O-MG) in those materials in which they have been shown to activate an electrogenic proton extrusion (Pisum sativum L. stems, Zea mays L. coleoptiles and roots). In maize roots the curve relating 3-O-MG influx to external concentrations indicated that the values of the apparent Km increase in the 3-O-MG concentration range between 2×10-5 mol l-1 and 2×10-2 mol l-1. FC did not alter the Km values and its stimulating effect was nearly constant at all 3-O-MG concentrations tested. Basal and FC-induced uptake of 3-O-MG appeared associated with a transient proton influx suggesting that also in maize roots a sugar-proton contransport occurs. Diethyl stilbestrol, which inhibits proton extrusion, inhibited also basal and FC-induced 3-O-MG uptake. The data support the view that the stimulation by FC of 3-O-MG uptake is closely related to that of proton extrusion. The stimulation by FC of 3-O-MG uptake cannot be replaced by increasing extracellular proton concentration, nor may be explained only by the FC-induced hyperpolarization of transmembrane potential difference. The hypothesis is proposed that the effect of FC on 3-O-MG uptake depends on an increase of cytoplasmic pH, following the activation of the proton extruding system.