Thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and Seebeck coefficient of high-purity chromium from 280 to 1000 K

The thermal conductivity λ, electrical resistivity ρ, and Seebeck coefficient S of a high‐purity Cr specimen (ρ2734.2=380) were measured from 285 to 1000 K. The ρ and S of two other Cr specimens (ρ2734.2=380 and 58) were determined from 300 to 1300 K. The ρ and S results from the three specimens are in excellent agreement and all three properties agree to within experimental uncertainty with previous low‐temperature results on the same specimens over the temperature range of overlap. Near TN (300–320 K), the present λ results are within 0.7% of the previous data and indicate that λρ/T should be smooth to within 1%. At high temperature, the present λ data are about 8% above those of Powell and Tye but the ratios of λρ/T agree to within 2% up to 1000 K. These new data on pure Cr are compared to calculations from standard transport theory and to previous results from W and Mo.