Facilitated ultracytochemical demonstration of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in peripheral nerve

p-Phenylenediamine/pyrocatechol mixture (PPD-PC) was evaluated as a reagent for the ultracytochemical demonstration of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP crystals were applied to the proximal stumps of the severed infraorbital nerves in rats. After 48 h the rats were sacrificed by perfusion, and the trigeminal ganglia ipsilateral to the severed nerves were processed for HRP cytochemistry and then prepared for electron microscopy. PPD-PC was rapidly oxidized in HRP-labeled neurons to form a dark brown-black osmiophilic reaction product which was more readily visible than the DAB product in the sections. This facilitated selection by light microscopy of areas in the epoxy wafers for ultrathin sectioning. In thin sections viewed under the electron microscope, the osmicated electron opaque PPD-PC reaction product was present in membrane-bound structures including smooth endoplasmic reticulum and granules of various sizes. The PPD-PC reaction product formed after 10-min incubation appeared to be more electron opaque than the DAB reaction product formed after 20 min. PPD-PC was found to be much less readily oxidized than DAB by endogenous hemoproteins. This methodology facilitated the ultracytochemical localization of HRP in neurons following retrograde axonal transport.