The Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis Japonica. IV. Studies on Schistosomiasis Japonica in an Australian Air Force Unit

Summary and Conclusions A unit of young Caucasians from an Australian Air Force Squadron was exposed to schistosomiasis japonica on Leyte in the Philippine Islands for 18 days beginning 24 November 1944. Two groups from this unit were selected at random for study: Group 1, comprising 40 men who had not been treated for schistosomiasis and 42 in Group 2 who had clinical symptoms of schistosomiasis and had been treated with fuadin. The following information was obtained: 1. Clear cut symptoms and signs did not appear in members of either group. This was attributed to the fact that the exposure was believed to be light. 2. The syndrome of anorexia, weakness and nuchal myalgia occurred with greater frequency in Group 2 than it did in Group 1. This may be interpreted as meaning that Group 2 was more heavily infected than Group 1. 3. Persons in Group 2 following fuadin therapy showed a drop in proven positive stools from 6 in May to a single case in August. However, in September there was a relapse in 21 individuals. This was attributed to the inadequacy of the course of fuadin therapy (343 mgm. of antimony). 4. It is postulated that the high relapse rate noted in Group 2 in September was due to the parasites recovering from damage to their reproductive organs as a result of antimony treatment and their resumption of egg laying. 5. Combined stool and proctoscopic examination has been demonstrated to be particularly effective in diagnosing schistosomiasis japonica. Five cases were positive on proctoscopic examination alone in cases where the stools were negative.