An attempt is made to explore the possible connection between symmetry laws in internal space (e.g., isospin space) and symmetry laws in Lorentz space with special attention to the question: Why are the strong interactions parity-conserving? For direct (non-derivative-type) pion-nucleon interactions, CP invariance and charge independence are sufficient to guarantee the separate conservation of P and C, as previously pointed out. For derivative-type pion-nucleon interactions, charge independence and G invariance (rotational and inversion invariance in three-dimensional isospin space) require that parity (and CP) be conserved; in addition we can also show that the charge-triplet pion must be pseudoscalar, provided that the virtual Yukawa process π0p+p¯ is allowed or, equivalently, the π0 can be regarded as a bound state of a proton and an antiproton as far as symmetry laws are concerned. For the K couplings, analogous conditions cannot be obtained from the usual assumption of charge independence alone. However, if the K couplings (rather than the π couplings) exhibit a higher internal symmetry in the sense that the K couplings are universal, the high K symmetry plus charge independence in the usual sense imply parity conservation both in the case of CP-invariant nonderivative-type K interactions and in the case of G-invariant derivative-type K interactions. The high K symmetry also implies that the relative NΞ parity as well as the relative ΛΣ parity is even. It is conjectured that, if the K couplings must be of a derivative type, only pspv coupling is allowed, which means that the K particle is pseudoscalar. The global symmetry model which cannot be reconciled with our assumption of the high K symmetry is re-examined. The high K symmetry is destroyed in a specific and definite manner by the π couplings, and relations among the various coupling constants are inferred from the baryon mass spectrum. Some empirical implications of our model are discussed. Whereas G invariance requires the symmetric appearance of the two chiral spinors 12(1+γ5)ψ and 12(1γ5)ψ for strangeness-conserving processes, for strangeness-nonconserving processes G conjugation carries charge-conserving interactions into inadmissible interactions that do not conserve electric charge. Hence, if we take the point of view that parity-conserving interactions are generated by G conjugation, we have some understanding of the puzzling fact that strangeness conservation and parity conservation have the same domain of validity. Further theoretical speculations are made.