Landau Levels and Magneto-Absorption in InSb

Detailed results are presented of machine calculations of the Landau level structure and transition matrix elements for InSb near the center of the Brillouin zone, for magnetic fields in the [100] direction, and under conditions typical of valence-band cyclotron resonance and interband magneto-optical experiments. Effects of inversion asymmetry arising in the zinc-blende structure are included. The theoretical conduction-band combinational resonance spectra of Rashba and Sheka are confirmed and extended to the nonparabolic-band model. The results show good agreement with the recent interband magneto-optical observations by Pidgeon and Brown. Different heavy hole "masses" are predicted for valence-band cyclotron resonance under different experimental conditions. Some of these coincide with reported experimental results. Details of the predicted spin-split zero-field band structure in the (110) plane are given.