Relatonics as a Key Concept for Networked Organizations

Learning in organizations, and the competence the organization thereby obtains for performing its core tasks, has come into ever sharper focus when attempts have been made to explain the degree of competitiveness of companies. Much learning takes place when people interact, converse, or co-act. In their research, the current authors have found themselves in need of a new concept, relatonic, that can be applied to the study of interaction and relations at organizational level. To focus interactions and relations is important for all organizations, and extra important for networked and virtual organizations, where persons not as often meet naturally just by working close to each other. The authors have defined and used the concept on the basis of their respective theoretical platforms. These concern recent thinking within the theories of workplace learning (WPL) and organization pedagogics (Döös, 2004, 2007) and theories of complex adaptive systems (CAS) (Backström, 2004). The possibility of a joint definition of the concept of relatonics has been explored (Backström & Döös, 2005), thereby initiating integration of parts of the theories of WPL and CAS. Next, in the Background, follows the joint definition of relatonics and the concept relatonic is expounded from a CAS perspective. Thereafter, follows a description of practical implications of relatonics. The aim is to describe the importance of relatonics for networked and virtual organizations. The main underlying problem concerns which opportunities for everyday learning and competence development are offered in working life, both at an individual and organizational level, but also the problem of stabilizing and integrating organizations composed of relatively autonomous parts.