Teliospore Morphology of Some Smut Fungi. I. Electron Microscopy

Two types of surface configuration were observed in 2-stage gum acacia-formvar spore replicas of Neovossia indica (Mitra) Mundk. The type which showed an irregular pattern of roughness is believed to represent the perisporium (sheath) surface alone. In an optical microscope this appears smooth. The other type is produced by the apices of crowded truncate projections. The individual apices present a tetrad type of appearance. Each projection consists of 2 main strands and each of the latter of 2 substrands. The strands of the processes seem to be composed of fibrlllar material. Spore replicas of Tilletla caries (DC.) Tul. show that each reticulum ridge is a bipartite structure and that the subrldges are connected by more or less equidistantly spaced transverse bars. These bars are extensions arising from the subridges. They seem to form part of an interlocking structure instrumental in holding the ridge elements together. The drawbacks, for fungus spores, of replica preparation methods involving use of high temperatures (above 50[degree]C) are highlighted.