Protosteliopsis, a New Genus of the Protostelida

The new genus PROTOSTELIOPSIS of the order Protostelida is erected to accomodate Protostelium fimicolum L. Olive et Stoiano-vitch (type sp.) and 2 other, as yet undescribed, spp. This genus of simple mycetozoans is characterized by nonapophysate, nondeciduous spores borne singly on somewhat irregular stalks that gelatinize in water. The growing phase consists either of uninucleate amoeboid cells, as in the type spp., or a mixture of uninucleate amoebae and multinucleate plasmodial masses. Nutrition is holozoic. Sexuality is unknown. The genus is widespread throughout the world, especially in warmer areas, and its spp. are isolated primarily from soil, dung, and decaying vegetation.

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