Early Cytological and Biochemical Events Induced by a 6-Benzylaminopurine Application on Inhibited Axillary Buds ofCicer arietinumPlants

Axillary buds of Cicer arietinum L. plants are released from apical dominance by a direct 6-benzylaminopurine application. The cytokinin treatment induces a sequence of events, some features of which are described. An exponential increase of bud dry weight was measured as soon as the sixth hour from the treatment and starch accumulation was observed during the first 4 h. An important increase in uridine incorporation into RNA occurred 90 min after application of the cytokinin. Cell division was stimulated very early while the increase of bud-DNA content was delayed. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to the mechanisms of cytokinin action in the release of axillary buds from apical dominance.