Paper Electrophoretic Analyses of Sera from Irradiated Rhesus Monkeys

Serum samples from 23 rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta and one cynomologous monkey, Macaca irus were used. Eleven animals received 60 r of Co60 gamma-rays every two weeks until they died; 5 animals received 100 r of gamma-rays every week until they died; 7 animals received 600 r of X-rays in a single exposure. One rhesus monkey was used as a control animal. Periodic preirradiation and postirradiation samples of sera from each irradiated monkey were collected and then simultaneously run electrophoretically and analysed with a Spinco Analytrol scanner. Changes in the concentrations of the total proteins, the albumins, the a -globulins, the B-globulins and the gamma-globulins were studied. Following the first day of exposure to gamma-rays there was, in both the 60 r and 100 r groups, an apparent lag or normal period before continuous decline set in. The postirradiation decline for the 600 r group was acute. In 20 or 23 irradiated monkeys there was a decrease in serum albumin. In all irradiated monkeys there was an increase in a -globulin. All progeins of the sera fluctuated considerably in their absolute concentration. The 0- and gamma-globulins appear to be complementary with respect to one another.