Coproantibody Response in Humans Following T.A.B. Vaccination

Twenty human volunteers were injd. subcut. with 0.5 ml., 1 ml., and 1 ml. of vaccine containing 1000 million Salmonella typhi and 500 million each of S. paratyphi A and B at 7-day intervals. Agglutination tests against the homologous organisms were performed using blood serum and fecal extract before, during, and after immunization. Although all but one individual developed significant blood serum agglutinin titers, only 13 showed any fecal agglutinins and these sporadically and in low titer. No correlation is apparent between the presence of fecal antibody and the antibody titer of the blood serum; nor is there any obvious relationship between fecal antibody appearance and the time and number of antigen injns.