Several microcuries of two to three week old solutions of NaI131 were spotted on sheets of filter paper and developed one dimensionally in an ascending technique using n-Butanol saturated with 3N NH4OH. After 20 hours, the papers were air-dried and radioautographed. The “extraneous band,” which moves slightly faster than the NaI131 band, was cut out, eluted with 50% alcohol and concentrated to 5 microcuries⁄ml. Studies were conducted on the factors affecting the thyroid uptake of fresh NaI131 solution and of the extraneous band solution by day-old chicks. At all the dosage levels (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 microcurie) tested, the thyroid uptake of the extraneous band solution was significantly lower than that of fresh NaI131 solution. Administration of iodine (NaI127) either orally in the diet or by injection, lowers the uptake of fresh NaI131 solution. However, the thyroid uptake of the extraneous band solution is enhanced by simultaneous injection of 2 to 5 µg. of NaI127