Endothelin-1 stimulates DNA synthesis and proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells

Endothelin-1 (ET-1), a 21-amino acid peptide released from the endothelium, elicits a variety of biological effects that include vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) contraction, release of secondary mediators, and cell proliferation. The present study was undertaken to examine the proliferative potential of ET-1 toward pulmonary artery VSMC in culture. In the presence of low serum and epidermal growth factor (EGF), ET-1 stimulated marked DNA synthesis and proliferation of VSMC. The contributing factor from serum appeared to be platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) because the antibody to PDGF eliminated the stimulatory activity. The antibody to EGF also prevented the stimulation, suggesting that both PDGF and EGF are required for the full expression of the VSMC growth-promoting activity of ET-1. A paradoxical aspect of ET-1 effect on VSMC was the ability of ET-1 to inhibit the EGF-stimulated DNA synthesis when the two factors were added together to a high baseline DNA synthetic activity. The inhibition was prevented if ET-1 was added 12-18 h after the addition of EGF or if ET-1 and EGF were added to a protein kinase C-depleted VSMC. The inhibition by ET-1 may be mediated by protein kinase C activation followed by inhibition of EGF binding to its receptor. The results indicate that ET-1 under appropriate conditions can modulate the growth of pulmonary artery VSMC in both positive and negative directions.