Gesetzmäßiges Vorkommen cytoplasmatischer Lamellensysteme in Abhängigkeit vom Funktionsrhythmus einer Zelle

In the cover cells of the primary glands of the salivary glands of the leaf aphid Myzus persicae the regular occurrence and regeneration of cytoplasmic double membrane systems ("flat vesi-cles"), which in the literature are generally designated as Golgi apparatus, and are dependent on the functional rhythm of the cells, can be observed. These "double membrane complexes" are absent during the formation of the prosecretory granules, but appear again in the cell in large numbers and more strongly defined, if, after the dissolution of the prosecretory granules, the cytoplasmic structures (ergastoplasma), which were broken down at the same time, must be formed anew. If this has happened, the double membrane complex is again greatly reduced. Accordingly, these lamellar complexes described, which were found in nearly all cells so far examined, in this case apparently are directly concerned with the morphogenesis of cytoplasmic structures. The possible morphogenetic mechanisms within the range of the functional cycle of these gland cells are discussed.