During an investigation on the action of uric acid under Professor Haskins, I had occasion to take rather large doses of lithium chlorid, and experienced toxic symptoms differing in some respects from the hitherto described phenomena of lithium poisoning. In the first experiment, 2 gm, of the chlorid were taken in a glass of water after each meal for three meals (about 1 p. m., 9 p. m. and 7 a. m.) and then, after skipping one meal, another dose was taken about 7 p. m., making a total of 8 gm., about 125 grains, in twenty-eight hours. Symptoms showed themselves three or four hours after the first dose, consisting in slight dizziness and fulness in the head. Nothing more was noted after the second dose, which was taken in the evening. Soon after the third dose there was so much blurring of vision that it was impossible to read