Small fragments of superficial neuropil and fragments of deeper layers from various regions of the brains of Xenopus laevis Daud. and Rana esculenta L. were fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide, embedded in Vestopal W or methacrylate, and studied with the electron microscope. The glial fibers and their meningeal end-feet contain numerous large mitochon-drionlike dense bodies for which the term "gliosome" has been adopted. Gliosomes have a specific and constant structure characterized by the presence of a row of peripheral and circular canaliculi and an electron-opaque fibrous or finely granular matrix. Also, another less frequently found type of gliosome is present which contains regular lamellar structures. The gliosomes vary considerably in size and may be very large, up to 9 [mu] in length. Numerous and various intermediate forms between mitochondria and gliosomes can be seen. Gliosomes are largest and most numerous in the distal portions of the glial fibers and in the meningeal end-feet.