Dirty van Hove singularity quasiparticles studied by magnetotransport

We present a magnetotransport study of the metamagnetic system Ca$_{1.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$RuO$_4$. The metamagnetic transition is reached by tuning a van Hove singularity to the Fermi level at a critical magnetic field $H_m$. In Ca$_{1.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$RuO$_4$, we report across $H_m$ a strong decoupling of inelastic electron scattering, measured by resistivity, and electronic mass, inferred from density-of-state probes. As a result, we observe -- in contrast to conventional correlated Fermi liquids -- a strong variation of the Kadowaki-Woods ratio. Fermi-liquid and non-Fermi-liquid properties associated with van Hove singularities are discussed in terms of disorder and dimensionality. We argue that Ca$_{1.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$RuO$_4$ belongs to the dirty/disordered two-dimensional limit. Disorder effects play a central role in the understanding of the (non-) Fermi liquid onset. We therefore propose that in quasi-two-dimensional systems disorder has a significant impact on the electronic properties associated with van Hove singularities in the vicinity of the Fermi level.