Geology, Paleomagnetism, and Potassium-Argon Ages of Basalts from Nunivak Island, Alaska

Geologic mapping, paleomagnetic stratigraphy, and potassium-argon dating were used to determine the time and volume relations of tholeiitic and alkalic basalt on Nunivak Island in the Bering Sea near the coast of Alaska. Volcanism on Nunivak Island occurred in distinct episodes separated by quiet intervals that lasted from 1.6 to 0.6 m.y. During the past 6 m.y., tholeiitic basalt was erupted during at least five such episodes, and highly undersaturated alkalic basalt was erupted during at least three episodes. The oldest volcanic rock found on Nunivak Island is an alkalic basalt, succeeded by repeated alternations of tholeiitic and alkalic basalt. During the last episode of tholeiitic volcanism, 130 cu km of basalt erupted during a well-defined interval that lasted from 0.9 to 0.3 m.y. ago. A nearly contemporaneous eruption of alkalic basalt has continued vigorously to historic times and has covered the central part of the island with small cones, flows, and tephra from explosion craters. The volume of alkalic basalt of the latest episode of volcanic activity is from 0.7 to 2.0 percent of the volume of the associated tholeiite. At least one earlier eruption of alkalic basalt occurred in close association with the eruption of tholeiite. As on Hawaii, the highly undersaturated alkalic basalts on Nunivak contain abundant ultramafic inclusions.