Excited state electronic structure and dynamics in sym -tetrazine vapor

The excited state dynamics of sym ‐tetrazine are investigated following dye laser excitation into single vibronic levels of the 1B3u and 3B3u states. The lifetime of the 1B3u state, τf ≤ 100 nsec, is probably controlled by unimolecular internal conversion into the 1Ag ground state. Intersystem crossing is not observed at low pressure and is not induced by hard sphere collisions. The 3B3u1Ag phosphorescence, τp = 72 ± 2 μsec, is reported for the first time. Theory suggests that this lifetime is not controlled by radiationless intersystem crossing, and it may be that the 3B3u lifetime is controlled by a radiative transition to a possible lower lying 3B1g or 3B2g state. Energy transfer experiments from triplet p ‐benzoquinone to 3B3u sym ‐tetrazine confirm the lifetime and spin‐forbidden character of the phosphorescence emission.