The reactions of CF3 radicals with CH2Cl2, CHCl3 and CCl4 have been studied using hexafluoroacetone as a source of radicals. Arrhenius parameters have been measured for all the possible reactions involving abstraction of H or Cl by CF3. The validity of the kinetic results is examined. In conjunction with previous work, it is found that the activation energy for H abstraction falls progressively along the series CH4… CHCl3, whereas more complex changes occur with Cl abstraction in the series CH3Cl … CCl4. The significance of these changes is discussed. CCl3 radicals were produced by some of the reactions and CF3CCl3 and C2Cl6 were present in the products. For the combination and cross-combination reactions of CF3 and CCl3, it was found that ϕ= 2.0±0.5 independent of temperature in the range 132–296°C.