To the Editor:— A common dermatologic complaint is an eruption beneath the ring finger. This is usually attributed to an accumulation of alkali soaps and detergents and is diagnosed as an irritative type of contact dermatitis. In April 1967, Simon and Harley1reported the cases of a husband and wife who wore gold wedding rings, and subsequently a radiodermatitis developed. Dr. Richard Leone presented a similar case at the Central States Dermatologic Society in Buffalo on May 25, 1968. The following case report is therefore the third we know of, and is complicated by the development of a squamous cell carcinoma which required amputation of the ring finger. Report of a Case:— A 50-year-old white man complained of a lesion involving the left ring finger. Over a period of 30 years, the patient had worn three different rings. A cameo ring, which he had purchased in December 1935, was worn