Nucleic Acids of Entamoeba histolytica

This review will concentrate on certain aspects of the nucleic acids of Entamoeba histolytica. Utilization and synthesis of purines and pyrimidines will initially be briefly discussed, e.g. salvage vs. de novo pathways, uptake studies and recognition of at least 4 transport loci. Data will be presented which show that the distribution and synthesis of RNA (to a lesser extent DNA) in the nucleus is basically the opposite one finds in other eukaryotes, viz. most RNA (ribosomal ?) is synthesized (or accumulates) in the peripheral chromation (functional equivalent of nucleolus?). The DNA is distributed and synthesized primarily throughout the nucleus. It is usually so dispersed that it will not stain with e.g. the standard Feulgen technique, unless the DNA condenses around the endosome (not a nucleolar equivalent) prior to nuclear division. Isolation of rRNA was difficult due, in part, to potent and difficult to inhibit RNase(s), some of which are apparently intimately bound to ribosomal subunits. The 25S (1.3 kDa), 17S (0.8 kDa) and 5S rRNA were recovered after isolation with a high salt SDS-DEP technique. This is the only procedure which enables us to obtain high yields of 25S rRNA; guanidine or guanidinium which permits isolation of intact functional mRNA results in isolation of small amounts of 25S RNA relative to 17S RNA. The 25S RNA is "nicked" (apparently during nuclear processing) and dissociates readily into 17S (0.7 kDa) and 16S (0.6 kDa) species, and a more rigidy bound 5.8S species. A small amoung of "unnicked" 25S RNA was recovered with guanidine. Two DNA-dependent RNA polymerases (I and II) with a pronounced preference for denatured DNA as template were eluted from DEAE-Sephadex in reverse order of what occurs in other eukaryotes, except Physarum polycephalum. This conclusion was based on salt optima and alpha-amanitin sensitivity studies. Initial characterization of DNA isolated with a procedure capale of isolating > 100-kbp Leishmania DNA showed that undigested DNA migrates as a broad band between markers 6 and 24 kbp. The persistent recovery of such a "band" by us and Perez-Mutul et al. no larger than ca. 24 kbp (with the exception of > 48 kbp DNA isolated by Hernandez et al. using an in situ lysis technique which did not include a proteinase) may be due to nicks introduced during isolation; or, perhaps much of the amebal DNA exists in vivo as gene sized fragments. However, preliminary data generated using ortogonal pulse-field agarose gel electrophoresis do suggest that amebal DNA may be in small chromosomes.