Villous Adenoma of the Colon Associated with Severe Hypopotassemia

Introduction A copious mucoid discharge is a frequently mentioned and characteristic symptom of villous adenoma of the colon. The association of this discharge with severe hypopotassemia has not hitherto been noted in the literature. This report concerns such an instance in which potassium balance presented the major problem in management. Villous adenomas of the rectum and colon are uncommon, representing 1.4% to 2.3% of surgically resected neoplasm of this region.* They occur equally in males and females and in an older age group than do adenomatous polyps or carcinoma. They are more likely to be solitary tumors than carcinomas or adenomatous polyps of the large bowel. The overwhelming majority are in the rectum, but cases have been reported from other sites in the colon.† They are characteristically large broadbased growths with innumerable finger-like projections into the lumen. They are soft to the touch and move freely over the underlying muscularis,