Pestalotia pezizoides deNot., P. valdiviana Speg., P. cornu-cervae (Brenckle) Guba, and P. corni Allesch., the four species comprising Pestalotia deNot. section sexloculatae sensu Guba are shown to represent three different genera. P. pezizoides is retained as the type and only accepted species of Pestalotia, the name P. valdiviana is considered a nomen dubium, P. cornu-cervae is maintained as the type and only species of Labridella Brenckle, and P. corni is referred to Seiridium Nees ex Fr. as S. corni (Allesch.) n. comb. (≡ Pestalotia corni Allesch.). The generic concepts of Monochaetia (Sacc.) Allesch. and Seiridium are expanded to include species with single apical branched appendages, thus necessitating nomenclatural changes including Monochaetia karstenii (Sacc. & Syd.) n. comb. (≡ Pestalotia karstenii Sacc. & Syd.), M. karstenii var. gallica (Stey.) n. comb. (≡ Pestalotiopsis gallica Stey.) and M. nattrassii (Stey.) n. comb. (≡ Pestalotiopsis nattrassii Stey.).