[longdash]In the majority of normal human eyes, stratified episcleral vessels are found, the clear part of their contents probably being aqueous humor. The author discusses the arguments that these "aqueous veins," discovered by Asher and independently by the author, are not blood veins, containing clear plasma. To ascertain that these vessels really contain aqueous, Goldmann administered 2-9ml. of a. 10% soln. of fluorescein-sodium. The green fluorescence was seen in the regular veins, but did not appear in the "aqueous veins." Furthermore, the author injd. a mixture of India ink into the anterior chamber. The ink appeared in the recipient vessel of a previously located aqueous vein and not in the regular veins. These expts. suggest a hydrodynamic explanation of aqueous humor elimination rather than colloid osmotic attraction in the canal of Schlemm.

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