Study of Levels inNe22,Mg26, andS34by Proton Pickup

Targets of Al and NaCl (Cl35 enrichment ≥99%) have been bombared with 34.5-MeV deuterons, and the spectra of emitted He3 particles measured at eight angles in the forward octant. The angular distributions of the (d,He3) reactions leading to the various residual levels have been analyzed with the distorted-wave Born-approximation theory to determine the values of the transferred orbital angular momenta lp and the corresponding values of the spectroscopic factors C2S(l). Most of the observed transitions proceed to states of known spin and parity; the analysis of the present data confirms these assignments and also yields several new parity assignments. The states in Ne22 at excitation energies of 4.47 and 5.14 MeV are determined to be (1,2)+ and (0,1,2,3), respectively. States in S34 at excitation energies of 3.30, 4.08, 4.69, 4.88, 6.17, 6.83, and 7.11 MeV are assigned even parity. The values of the spectroscopic factors extracted from the present data are compared with values predicted from shell-model calculations for A=2028 and A=3039 nuclei. The agreement between theory and experiment is such as to suggest that the abbreviated shell models under consideration offer an adequate explanation of the dominant characteristics of the low-lying states of these nuclei.