Clinical reports of glaucoma following the use of roentgen and radium therapy are infrequent. In a survey of the ophthalmic literature, only 3 pathologic reports were found. In 1921 Birch-Hirschfeld1 reported the case of a 61 year old man who twenty years before had a wart on his right upper lid. This was removed in 1914 but reappeared in 1919 and grew larger. The lid was treated with five exposures to the roentgen rays of forty-five minutes each in the course of one year, without protection to the globe. Two weeks after the first dose the patient had headache, pain in the eye and redness of the skin of the lid and conjunctiva. These symptoms disappeared between exposures but reappeared with each treatment. When he was examined in May 1920 there was an epithelized scar on the lid, the margin of which was free from cilia. The conjunctiva of