Spontaneous Nonpigmented Iris Cysts

EPITHELIAL cysts arising spontaneously in the iris are classified in two groups—intra-epithelial and stromal.1 The intra-epithelial cysts are made up of pigmented epithelium, and they are regarded as remnants of von Szily's marginal sinus of the iris that have not been obliterated.2-3 The stromal cysts are situated within the iris stroma and are lined by nonpigmented epithelium. The latter may be multilayered and may contain goblet cells. The origin of these cysts is still controversial.2-5 Some observers hold the opinion that they arise from the surface ectoderm displaced, probably, at the time of formation of the lens vesicle.6-8 Others9-12 believe that they develop from aberrant cells from the most anterior portion of the optic vesicle whiel it is still unpigmented. The histopathologic features of such cysts excised by iridectomy have been illustrated repeatedly,1,7-9, 13-18 but we have found only one report describing such