Isolated adrenal masses in nonsmall-cell bronchogenic carcinoma.

Computed tomography [CT] has become an important diagnostic modality in the preoperative staging of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma. The adrenal glands represent one of the most frequent sites of metastasis. An isolated adrenal mass discovered on preoperative thoracoabdominal CT poses a diagnostic problem. Patients (330) with histologically proved nonsmall-cell bronchogenic carcinoma were evaluated. Of these 32 had adrenal masses without further evidence of disease in the abdomen. Of these 32 masses 8 were metastases, 17 were proved adenomas and 7 did not undergo biopsy. In the patients with nonsmall-cell bronchogenic carcinoma, an isolated adrenal mass is more likely benign than metastatic, and biopsy is advocated prior to withholding potentially curative surgery.