Upper bound on the specific-heat jump: Application to the high-Tcoxides

We establish an upper limit on the normalized specific-heat jump ΔCγ(0)Tc at Tc, for the case of an isotropic Eliashberg superconductor. Functional derivative results for ΔCγ(0)Tc, in the case of realistic electron-phonon spectral densities, lead us to consider a model delta-function spectrum which, we can prove, gives a local maximum in ΔCγ(0)Tc for some low but finite phonon energy. The value of the maximum depends somewhat on the value of Coulomb pseudopotential (μ*) used, but is always surprisingly small. As an example for μ*=0.15, ΔCγ(0)Tc3.73 with the inequality holding for realistic spectra. This is smaller than some recent experimental values published for La1.85 Sr0.15CuO4.