Effect of the cation size disorder on charge ordering in rare-earth manganates

The effect of disorder arising from the mismatch between the average sizes of the A-site cations in the rare-earth manganates, L0.5A0.5MnO3 (L=rareearth, A=alkalineearth), on their charge-ordering behavior has been investigated. Measurements on two series of manganates with a fixed average cation radius, rA, of 1.17 and 1.24 Å, reveal that the charge-ordering transition temperature, TCO, is not very sensitive to the size mismatch unlike ferromagnetic TC or metal-insulator transition data. Furthermore, TCO is not affected greatly by the orthorhombic lattice distortion. The observed decrease in TCO with increase in rA is consistent with a quadratic dependence upon (rA0rA) where rA0=1.13Å.