In P. aeruginosa the synthesis of only 2 out of 8 arginine biosynthetic enzymes tested was regulated. Comparisons were made between the specific activities of these enzymes in bacteria grown on arginine or on its precursor, glutamate. N2-Acetylornithine 5-aminotransferase (ACOAT), an enzyme involved in both the biosynthesis and catabolism of arginine, was induced about 14-fold during growth of the organism on arginine as the only C and N source, and the anabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase (aOTC), a strictly biosynthetic enzyme, was repressed 18-fold. Addition of various carbon sources to the arginine medium led to repression of ACOAT and to derepression of aOTC. Fructose, which supported only slow growth of P. aeruginosa, had a weak regulatory effect on the synthesis of the 2 arginine enzymes while citrate, a good C source for this organism, had a strong effect. The represson of ACOAT by citrate was not relieved by adding cAMP to the medium. Under a variety of growth conditions leading to different enzyme activities, a linear relationship between the reciprocal of the specific activity of ACOAT and the specific activity of aOTC was observed. This inverse regulation of the formation of the 2 enzymes suggested that a single regulatory system governs their synthesis. Such a view was supported by the isolation of citrate-resistant regulatory mutants which constitutively formed ACOAT at the induced level and aOTC at the repressed level.