Circular Polarization Measurement of Gamma Rays Following Beta Decay ofAl24andNa24to Determine the Meson Exchange Effect

We have measured and compared the β circularly polarized γ angular correlations for Al24 and Na24, as suggested by Bouchiat, in order to determine the size of the Fermi matrix elements Mπ due to meson exchange and a0(1)2 due to isospin impurities. The polarimeter was a cylindrical magnet that produces 19000 G in the form of a square wave oscillating at 140 cps. At this frequency the 2.1-sec half-life presents no new problem except one of source handling. A pneumatic tube was used to transport sources between the polarimeter and the UCLA cyclotron internal beam. The results (using superscripts + and - to denote Al24 and Na24, respectively) are A+ (the circular polarization asymmetry parameter) = -0.084±0.054, A=0.091±0.017, MF+=(0.06±5.4)×103, and MF=(0.8±1.7)×103. From Mπ=12(MFMF+) and a0(1)2=12(MF+MF+), we get Mπ=(0.4±3)×103 and a0(1)2=(0.4±3)×103 in this isobaric triplet. With the CVC conserved vector-current hypothesis Mπ should be zero.