We describe quantum diffusion of the electrons in a disordered system by requiring that ψ(r, t)|2 obeys a diffusion equation, where ψ(r, t) is the time-dependent wavefunction. It is found that, regardless of the weakness of the disorder, this requirement leads to electron eigenstates which consist of a power-law component for dimepsion d1 and a logarithmic correction for d=1, in addition to an extended function. For d ≤ 2, this is correct only below a certain length scale. As a result, even for kFl≫l, the conductivity σ is reduced from the Boltzmann conductivity σB in agreement with diagrammatic calculations. By expanding the eigenstate in terms of 1/rn, it is shown that the 1/rd-1 term is responsible for the reduction of σ in the weak-disorder limit. It is demonstrated that in three dimensions one can extrapolate the formula for the conductivity down to the Anderson transition to obtain σ = g2σB[1 - (C/g2k2 Fl2) (1-l/L)] where g is the reduction in the density of states due to disorder and C is a dimensionless constant of order unity which depends on some cut-off length.