Probing the mechanism and improving the rate of substrate-assisted catalysis in subtilisin BPN'

A mutant of the serine protease, subtilisin BPN', in which the catalytic His64 is replaced by Ala (H64A), is very specific for substrates containing a histidine, presumably by the substrate-bound histidine assisting in catalysis [Carter, P., & Wells, J.A. (1987) Science (Washington, D.C.) 237, 394-399]. Here we probe the catalytic mechanism of H64A subtilisin for cleaving His and non-His substrates. We show that the ratio of aminolysis to hydrolysis is the same for ester and amide substrates as catalyzed by the H64A subtilisin. This is consistent with formation of a common acyl-enzyme intermediate for H64A subtilisin, analogous to the mechanism of the wild-type enzyme. However, the catalytic efficiencies (kcat/KM) for amidase and esterase activities with His-containing substrates are reduced by 5000-fold and 14-fold, respectively, relative to wild-type subtilisin BPN, suggesting that acylation is more compromised than deacylation in the H64A mutant. High concentrations of imidazole are much less effective than His substrates in promoting hydrolysis by the H64A variant, suggesting that the His residue on the bound (not free) substrate is involved in catalysis. The reduction in catalytic efficiency kcat/KM for hydrolysis of the amide substrate upon replacement of the oxyanion stabilizing asparagine (N155G) is only 7-fold greater for wild-type than H64A subtilisin. In contrast, the reductions in kcat/KM upon replacement of the catalytic serine (S221A) or aspartate (D32A) are about 3000-fold greater for wild-type than H64A subtilisin, suggesting that the functional interactions between the Asp32 and Ser221 with the substrate histidine are more compromised in substrate-assisted catalysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)