Since Japan-Brazil Emulsion Chamber Collaboration started in 1962 on Mt. Chacaltaya, X-ray films have been used together with nuclear emulsion plates for detection of the high energy cosmic-ray showers. Meanwhile, many members, Japanese and Brazilians, of this collaboration have made various attempts to use X-ray film for energy determination as well as for detection. The present work is developed in this basis. Application of the photometric method with X-ray films for energy determination of high energy electron showers gives us the following advantages. Firstly, signal to noise ratio of shower spot on X-ray film is much higher than that on nuclear emulsion plate, because of high sensitivity of X-ray films. Secondly, measurement of spot darkness of shower using micro-densitometer is more facile and more rapid, as compared with counting of electron tracks of the shower in nuclear emulsion plates. Consequently, the photometric method with X-ray film enabled us to make a scale-up of emulsion chamber with great stride. Photometric measurement and track counting method are applied simultaneously to each of 47 showers and the correspondence between spot darkness, Dmax, and shower energy, E0, is established empirically. The relation is also calculated with three-dimensional shower theory. Both results agree well and give the relation DmaxE00.85 for various energies. The method of energy determination for localized nuclear interaction in the chamber itself –Pb-jet shower– is also established empirically and theoretically. The same method as for electron shower is valid for Pb-jet showers with energy Σ Eγ ≳ 1 TeV, if one uses slit larger than 150 µm radius in micro-densitometer.