Activity of nitrate reductase in roots and cotyledons of cotton seedings (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Deltapine 16) increased rapidly on germination, reaching a maximum after 1 day of imbibition. Thereafter, activity declined until emergence and greening of the cotyledons, when it again began to increase steadily. Germinating soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Merit) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovic) seedlings did not show the early peak of activity. The early peak depended on nitrate and was sensitive to cycloheximide, but not to actinomycin D or other inhibitors of RNA synthesis. The second, light-dependent increase was sensitive to actinomycin D. In roots, the early peak of activity occurred before any growth. After emergence of the root tip from the seed coat, activity was localized in the terminal 2 millimeters, whether expressed on a fresh weight, protein, or root basis. The difference in activity between the apical (0-2 millimeter) and subapical (2-4 millimeter) segments did not result from differences in nitrate availability, energy supply, or turnover rates of nitrate reductase. Root activity was similar to that of the cotyledons after emergence, in that both were sensitive to actinomycin D.