Systemic collateral and pulmonary artery stenosis in patients with congenital pulmonary valve atresia and ventricular septal defect.

Angiograms of 30 patients with congenital pulmonary valve atresia, ventricular septal defect, and large systemic-pulmonary collateral arteries (SPCAs) were evaluated. All had aortography, 28 had SPCA arteriography, and 26 had right ventriculography. Seventeen (65%) of 26 patients had a right ventricular infundibulum, 23 (77%) had a pulmonary artery confluence, and five of the nine patients without a right ventricular infundibulum had a confluence. Sixty-six SPCAs of aortic origin were seen; 28 (42%) had narrowing and 21 patients (70%) had one or more narrowed SPCAs. Five patients had collaterals from internal mammary, subclavian or innominate arteries. Fourteen (47%) had hilar pulmonary artery stenosis. Of these 14 patients mild peripheral stenosis was demonstrated in five. Right aortic arch was present in 15 patients (50%). Complete angiographic delineation of pulmonary vasculature is an essential procedure for preoperative detection of pulmonary and SPCA stenoses in these patients.