Chronological sequences and blood-brain barrier permeability changes in local injury as assessed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) images from sliced rat brain.

Two experiments were done with a prototype mini-NMR imager to evaluate the potential application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging in neuropathology. Cryo-injury-induced brain edema in brain slices from 22 adult male rats was imaged for observing the chronological sequences. Blood-brain barrier permeability changes were evaluated in 12 other brain slice images. EDTA-2Na-Mn solution was intravenously injected as an indicator of blood-brain barrier permeability. Contrast enhancement was achieved by changing the NMR imaging parameters. High resolution imaging permitted visualization of the corpus callosum, the thickness of which was only 0.2-0.4 mm. The extent of edema in gray matter was clearly shown with a striking contrast; no consistent findings were seen with slight differences in water content between edema and the surrounding normal cortex. As a result, the chronological sequences of brain edema were clearly observed. Mn-EDTA leaking from the circulating blood through the damaged capillary wall had a "paradoxical enhancement" effect on the NMR images; this effect might be suitable for evaluating blood-brain barrier permeability changes in NMR images.