Spin, Hyperfine Structure, and Nuclear Magnetic Dipole Moment ofO15

The nuclear spin and hfs splitting of O15(τ12=124 sec) in the P23 atomic ground state have been determined by the atomic beam magnetic resonance method. O15 was produced in the reaction N14(d, n)O15 by allowing a 5-MeV deuteron beam from the Columbia Van de Graaff accelerator to impinge upon a gaseous N2 target. The radioactive gas flowed continuously from the target chamber into the microwave discharge source of the atomic beam apparatus. A rotating-wheel deposition detector specially suited for shoft-lived radioactive atoms was used to detect the beam. The spin is found to be ½, in agreement with the shell-model prediction. The hfs splitting of O15 in the P23 state is observed to be 1037.23±0.07 Mc/sec, and the nuclear magnetic dipole moment of O15 is deduced to be 0.7189±0.0008 nm.

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