Plasmon and magnetoplasmon excitation in two-dimensional electron space-charge layers on GaAs

The excitation of two-dimensional (2D) plasmons in Alx Ga1xAs-GaAs heterostructures has been investigated with far-infrared transmission spectroscopy. Grating couplers of high efficiency and samples of high mobility (μ≊1.8×105 cm2/V? make it possible to study the 2D plasmon dispersion up to plasmon wave vectors q≳2×105 cm1. Thus we can test the theoretically predicted second-order q corrections to the dispersion due to nonlocal effects, finite thickness of the space-charge layer, and correlations. In perpendicular magnetic fields, a strong nonlocal interaction of the 2D magnetoplasmon resonance with harmonics of the cyclotron resonance nωc (n=2,3,4,. . .) is observed. Excellent agreement is found with predictions of a classical nonlocal theory.