Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains in signal transducton

A diverse array of molecules involved in signal transduction have recently been recognised as containing a new homology domain, the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. These include kinases (both serine/threonine and tyrosine specific), all currently known mammalian phospholipase Cs, GTPases, GTPage‐activatng proteins, GTpace‐exchange factors, “adapter” proteins, cyotskeletal proteins, and kinase substrates. This has sparked a new surge of research into elucidating its sturcture and function. The NMR solution structure of the PH domains of β‐spectrin and pleckstrin (the N‐terminal domain) both display a core consisting of seven anti‐parallel β‐sheet strands. The carboxy terminus is folded into a long α‐helix. The molecule is electrostatically polarised and contains a pocket which may be involved in the inding of a ligand. The PH domain overall topological relatedness to the retinoid inding protein family of molecules would suggest a lipid ligand could bind to this pocket. the prime function of the PH domain still remains to be elucidated. However, it has been shown to be important in signal transduction, most probably by mediating protein‐protein interactions. An extended PH domain of the β‐adrenergic receptor kinase (βARK), as well as that of several other molecules, can bind to βγ subunits of the heterotrimeric G‐proteins. The possibility that the PH domain, which is found in so many signalling molecules, being generally inovolved in βγ binding site appear to be concomitant in βARK, detailed analysis indicates that the PH domain is not generally a βγ binding domain. Thus, the race is on to find the ligands of each PH domain and determine a common nature to their interaction.