Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty With the Grüntzig Balloon Catheter

• Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty has been used to treat lesions of the iliac, superficial femoral, and renal arterial systems in 70 patients. Overall initial success was achieved in 71/76 lesions. One-year patency was achieved in 27/30 lesions, with 4/5 lesions documented to be patent for longer than two years. Although long-term follow-up is at present limited, the reduced cost and morbidity of this procedure are distinct advantages in appropriately selected patients. The close involvement of the vascular surgeon and a "team" approach are necessary. These preliminary results are part of a long-term study to evaluate the efficacy of transluminal angioplasty as well as to define factors that may be of predictive value in patient selection. (Arch Surg 114:1389-1399, 1979)