In my first communication on this subject1my principal object was to show that a method had been found to pass over the pyloric ring and to reach the upper part of the small intestine. The present communication serves to present the method in greater detail. The stomach-tube devised by me in 1894 requires only a few special alterations to answer the purpose of obtaining the duodenal contents.2 Apparatus. —This is shown in Figure 1.—A perforated round metal ball, twice the size of a pea and enveloped by the tube, serves as the end-piece. Attached to the end-piece is a thin rubber tube, not easily collapsible, about 0.2 cm. in diameter 125 cm. in length and graded in divisions of 10 cm. To this is attached a glass receptacle, which is connected by a length of tubing with a mouth-piece to be used by the operator if he